Descendent Families


10/21/1808. Birth
Madrid, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA

-1/83/1820. East Aurora, Erie County, New York, USA

00/00/1820. Apprenticed to a miller
Churchville, New York, USA

1837. Lived in Aurora until 1837, according to Allen H. diary of visit with Harry and Almos to Aurora

1837. Leaves Buffalo, NY for Chicago, then Blackhawk Purchase Iowa

1838. Illinois, USA, according to Gilbert bio

1839. In spring to Davenport, Iowa

01/09/1839. Leaves Iowa for New York on foot

02/09/1839. Arrives in New York

1840. Davenport, Iowa, USA
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, USA

-1/84/1840. W.S. Clark says that Almos was building mills across the river in Illinois during the 1840s
Illinois, USA

1841. Mail at post office in Davenport, Iowa, USA
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, USA

12/01/1845. Federal Land Grant. To Almos H. Reynolds
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, USA

05/01/1848. Federal Land Grant? To Amos H. Reynolds
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, USA

07/26/1849. First wife Mary W. Glidden dies of consumption, age 33

07/14/1850. Arrives in California, looking for gold

1851. Partner in building Willamette Woolen Mill in Salem, Oregon

05/20/1851. Moves to Oregon

1853. A. H. Reynolds building Buell mill
Elkhorn, Oregon, USA

1854. Building the Chambers Mill
Benton County, Oregon, USA

1856. A. H. Reynolds building Agency Creek mill for the government
Grand Ronde, Oregon, USA

1857. A.W. Reynolds appears on state tax roll in Marion County
Marion County, Oregon, USA

-1/85/1858. Building mill on present site of Union Station
Portland, Oregon, USA

1859. Building first mill in Walla Walla, Washington, in partnership with U.S. Grant's brother in law, Capt. F.T. Dent

05/10/1859. Arrives in Walla Walla
Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Washington, USA

05/23/1861. Marriage to Margaret Letitia 'Lettice Jane' Millican

1865. Building Mill in Union County, Oregon

04/21/1889. Death, from Dropsy
Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA


1830. Federal Census, under father 'Nickolas Runalds'
Aurora, Erie County, New York, USA

1840. Federal Census, with wrong age column checked (40-50, not 30-40?), has wife 20-30 and 1 boy under 5
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, USA

1849. See article from Dec 1849 from William Eldridge. Maybe influence on deciding to go to CA? Author related to DC Eldridge who built first grist mill in 1837? The Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, USA

1850. Federal Census
Waterville and vicinity, El Dorado County, California, USA

1854. Territorial Census
Benton County, Oregon Territory, USA

1860. Federal Census
Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

1880. Federal Census
Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

1882. Biographical sketch #1

1889. Almos Reynolds Obituary
Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

1899. Biographical sketch #2

1920. Reminiscences of Charles Webster Clark, oldest son of Ransom Clark and Lettice Jane Millican Clark, later Mrs. Almos H. Reynolds
Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

1965. Life of Harry Abbott Reynolds
Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA


First wife and family (maybe excepting one son) died in Iowa fire? Source: paper, Carol Barker, History of American Art (class?), Whitman?

Davenport not far from Sterling, Illinois where his mom is buried. Did his parents live there? Why did mom die in Sterling and Nicholas buried back in NY?

Brother Daniel in whiteside co in 1845, but back in NY in 1850?

Ancestral Families
Almos Holbrook Reynolds PHOTOS:

Almos Holbrook Reynolds

Date: late 1880s

A.H. Reynolds family portrait. Back row: Ella Clark, Lizzie Clark, Allen Holbrook Reynolds, Harry Reynolds. Front row: Almos H. Reynolds, Aleta Baker, Lettice Millican Reynolds, Anna Hill.

Date: 1888?

Place: Portland, Multnoman County Oregon, USA

Photographer: Partridge (opposite the post office), Portland, Oregon

Almos Holbrook Reynolds and Aleta Baker

Date: 1888

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington Territory, USA

Photographer: Brodeck and Co., Walla Walla, W.T.

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