Descendent Families
Timeline |
10/14/1863. Birth Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
01/01/1891. Marriage to Bertha Carrie Truesdell Owatanna, Steele County, Minnesota, USA |
10/02/1948. Death Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
Documents |
1889. Almos Reynolds Obituary Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
1900. Federal Census Small Precinct, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
1911. Lettice Reynolds Obituary Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
1932. Allen Reynolds and Evelyn Hancock wedding announcement Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
1948. Harry Abbott Reynolds Obituary Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
1965. Life of Harry Abbott Reynolds Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA |
Notes |
In Lymon's history of Walla Walla, it mentions that when Lettice drove up to Walla Walla with her family to stake the claim in 1859, on the first stage coach from The Dalles to Walla Walla, the driver's name was John F. Abbott. Also, see biography of Abbott in same book. |
Harry attended final year of high school in Ann Arbor before proceding to University of Michigan there |
Ancestral Families
Harry Abbott Reynolds PHOTOS:
Allen, Harry and perhaps Margaret Reynolds in car
Date: Late 1920s
Allen Reynolds, Margaret Reynolds, Harry Reynolds, Carrie Reynolds, Jay Reynolds, Bertha (Truesdell) Reynolds.
Date: 1921?
Place: Walla Walla?
Photographer: Charlotte Reynolds?
Carrie Reynolds, Harry Reynolds, Allen Reynolds, Jay Reynolds, Bertha (Truesdell) Reynolds, Margaret Reynolds.
Date: 1912-13
Place: Reynolds Ranch, Walla Walla, Washington
Photographer: Charlotte Reynolds?
Harry Reynolds with grand-daughters Carolyn and Beverly
Date: 1948?
Place: Reynolds Ranch, Walla Walla, Washington
Photographer: Charlotte Reynolds?
Harry and Bertha Reynolds
Date: Around 1920?
Lettice Jane Millican (Clark) Reynolds family portrait. Back row, left to right: Bertha Carrie Reynolds, Mary Clark, Maggie Clark, Letty Clark Bartell, Anna Hill, Roger Manning, Aleta Baker Manning, Dr. B. L. Baker, Ella Seelye Clark, Fanny Kirkman Reynolds. Middle row, left to right: Harry Abbott Reynolds, Charles Webster Clark, Lettice Jane Millican Clark Reynolds, Lizzie Clark Baker, William Spencer Clark holding daughter Evelyn, Allen Holbrook Reynolds. Front row, left to right: Charlotte Reynolds, Carrie Reynolds, Margaret Reynolds, William Allen Reynolds, Ruth Reynolds, Almos Reynolds, Cushing Baker.
Date: 1904?
Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA
Top of combine: unknown driver, Jay Emmet Truesdell, Charlotte Reynolds, Margaret Reynolds, Louise Reser, Carrie Reynolds. Double buggy: Harry Reynolds. Single buggy: John Reser, owner of combine.
Date: 1901?
Place: Walla Walla, Washington
Jay Truesdell family portrait. Back row, left to right: Rena Truesdell (widow of Albert), Ethel Truesdell (daughter of Albert), Lynn and Ellen Truesdell, Ada Truesdell (daughter of Jay's 2nd wife, Fannie), Emily (Truesdell) Brown, Harry and Bertha (Truesdell) Reynolds. Seated in middle: Fannie Truesdell (Jay Emmett's 2nd Wife), Jay Emmett Truesdell. Children in front: Charlotte Reynolds (daughter of Bertha), Ellen Truesdell (daughter of Albert), Carrie Reynolds (daughter of Bertha), Margery Lorraine Brown (daughter of Emily), Margaret Reynolds (daughter of Bertha), Jay Truesdell (son of Albert).
Date: Around 1897
Harry Abbot Reynolds with college chums?
Date: 1884?
Place: Ann Arbor, Michigan?
Harry Reynolds at high school or college in Ann Arbor.
Date: 1881?
Place: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Photographer: Lewis and Gibson, Ann Arbor, Michigan
A.H. Reynolds family portrait. Back row: Ella Clark, Lizzie Clark, Allen Holbrook Reynolds, Harry Reynolds. Front row: Almos H. Reynolds, Aleta Baker, Lettice Millican Reynolds, Anna Hill.
Date: 1888?
Place: Portland, Multnoman County Oregon, USA
Photographer: Partridge (opposite the post office), Portland, Oregon
Harry Reynolds in Ann Arbor for high school or college.
Date: 1883?
Place: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Photographer: Randall S. Burnham, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Harry Abbott Reynolds
Date: 1914?
Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA
Photographer: Charlotte Reynolds?
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