Descendent Families


1766. Birth
Enniskillin, County Fermanagh, Ulster Province, Ireland

12/06/1790. Marriage to Hannah Brown

12/09/1811. Death
Preston, New London County, Connecticut|Norwich, New London County, Connecticut


1800. Federal Census, as Coil
Preston, New London County, Connecticut, USA

1810. Federal Census, as Coy
Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA

1910. Notes regarding early Coyles in America
Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

1956. The Party Line: In Which We Finish Uncoiling The Line Of The Local Coyles
Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, USA

1956. The Party Line: In Which We Finish Uncoiling The Line Of The Local Coyles
Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, USA

1956. Portland Disaster Is A Family Story To Heights Woman
Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA


"Patrick Coyle, born in Enniskillen, Ireland in 1766. When a small boy (age 7), he sailed from Ireland to America with his parents. The boat was shipwrecked on rocks at Montauk Point, New York. Patrick was found by the ship's purser, floating on a door and was saved. They were the only two survivors." -- Beatrice Coyle Scannell

"At Norwich, Mr. Patrick Coil, aged 44." Connecticut Mirror newspaper of Dec. 30, 1811.

Ancestral Families



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