Descendent Families


10/19/1903. Birth

11/21/1992. Death


Ancestral Families
Lynn George Truesdell PHOTOS:

Ellen Atkins Brann Truesdell and son George Truesdell (Lynn George Truesdell's wife and son).

Date: 1912?

Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Photographer: Studios of Sweet, Minneapolis

"George Truesdell (Lynn George Truesdell's son)."

Lynn George Truesdell II

Date: 1921?

Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Photographer: Studios of Sweet, Minneapolis

""Grandfather J.E. Truesdell, Uncle Lynn Truesdell, Uncle Lynn's son Lynn George""

Date: 1908?

"Lynn George Truesdell, Jr., Two years old, 1905 / Uncle Lynn's son"

Lynn George Truesdell, Jr.

Date: 1905

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA

Photographer: Sweet, 1905 (Minneapolis)

Uncle Lynn Truesdell and his son Lynn George

Date: 1905?

Photographer: H. Hopsake?

"George, Uncle Lynn's son"

Lynn George Truesdell, Jr.

Date: 1918?

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA

Photographer: Johnson and company, Minneapolis

"Lynn George Truesdell, Jr., 5 months old / Aunt Ellen and..."

Lynn George Truesdell, Jr. and mother Ellen Brann Truesdell

Date: 1904

Photographer: H. Hopsake?

Lynn George Truesdell II

Date: 1906?

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA?

Lynn George Truesdell II

Date: 1906?

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA?

Lynn George Truesdell II

Date: 1906?

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA?

"When you come out here next time don't fail to go to the Ostrich Farm It's great. George & Mary Truesdell. (Addressed to:) Master Bobby (Truesdell Sparhawk) Brown, Bryn Mawr, Pa."

Lynn George Truesdell II and Mary Brann Truesdell on an ostrich

Date: 1910?

Place: California

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