Various public domain documents transcribed for the web

Various public domain paper documents transcribed for the web

Carrie Peck Obituary

Date: January 1, 1874

Owatonna Journal

Place: Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Jay Emmett Truesdell , Caroline Laura Peck

Almos Reynolds Obituary

Date: April 27, 1889

Walla Walla Weekly Union

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

Referenced: Harry Abbott Reynolds , Almos Holbrook Reynolds , Lettice Jane Millican , Ransom Campbell Clark , Allen Holbrook Reynolds

George E. Peck Obituary

Date: June 1901

Place: Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Fannie Clarissa Arms , Ada Fannie Truesdell , George Edward Peck , Amelia A. Arms , Mabel Ella Peck , Edward George Peck , Edith Peck , Anna B. Selden , Laura S. Peck , Emily C. Peck , Emily (Emeline) L. Johnston , Adam Clark Hickman , Frederick R. Peck , Jennie|Jane Dreiser?

New Elevator Company

Date: July 1, 1902

Minneapolis Journal

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Jay Emmett Truesdell , Lynn George Truesdell , T. A. Brann

Jay Emmett Truesdell Obituary

Date: February 17, 1908

Owatonna Journal, Minnesota

Place: Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Bertha Carrie Truesdell , Jay Emmett Truesdell , Ada Fannie Truesdell , Emily Laura Truesdell , Lynn George Truesdell

Jay Emmett Truesdell Obituary

Date: February 17, 1908

Minneapolis Journal, Minnesota

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Bertha Carrie Truesdell , Emily Laura Truesdell

George E. Peck Probate

Date: Wednesday June 12, 1909

Place: Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: George Edward Peck , Mabel Ella Peck , Edward George Peck , Edith Peck , Anna B. Selden , Laura S. Peck

John B. Coyle Obituary

Date: December 1909

Walla Walla Union Bulletin?

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

Referenced: John Hartwell Coyle , John B(rown?) Coyle , Clara M. (Brown) Coyle

Lettice Reynolds Obituary

Date: June 11, 1911

Walla Walla Union Bulletin

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

Referenced: Harry Abbott Reynolds , Lettice Jane Millican , Ransom Campbell Clark , Charles Webster Clark , William Spencer Clark , Elizabeth Clark , Elijah Millican , Lucinda Wilson Crisp , Anna Hill , Allen Holbrook Reynolds

Emily Truesdell Brown Obituary

Date: 8 Nov 1917

Peoples Press, Owatonna, Minnesota

Place: Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Jay Emmett Truesdell , Adam Clark Hickman , Emily Laura Truesdell , Carleton Brown , Margery Lorraine Brown , Truesdell Sparhawk Brown , Lynn George Truesdell

Allen Reynolds and Evelyn Hancock wedding announcement

Date: February 1932

Walla Walla Union Bulletin?

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

Referenced: Allen Lynn Reynolds , Harry Abbott Reynolds , Evelyn June Hancock , Arthur Wesley Hancock

People You Should Know: Arthur W. Hancock

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1938

Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon

Place: Salem, Marion County, Oregon, USA

Referenced: Velma Clara Coyle , Arthur Wesley Hancock

Harry Abbott Reynolds Obituary

Date: October 1948

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

Referenced: Allen Lynn Reynolds , Harry Abbott Reynolds , Lettice Jane Millican , Bertha Carrie Truesdell , Carrie Reynolds , Charlotte Reynolds , Margaret Reynolds , Harry Jay Reynolds

The Party Line: In Which We Finish Uncoiling The Line Of The Local Coyles

Date: August 16, 1956

Portland Maine Press Herald

Place: Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, USA

Referenced: Patrick Coyle , Captain John Brown Coyle , Beatrice Coyle Levy

The Party Line: Captain Coyle Is Born Again -- And In Connecticut Once More

Date: October 24, 1956

Portland Maine Press Herald

Place: Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, USA

Referenced: Patrick Coyle , Captain John Brown Coyle , Beatrice Coyle Levy

Portland Disaster Is A Family Story To Heights Woman

Date: December 10, 1956

Falmouth Enterprise

Place: Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA

Referenced: Patrick Coyle , Captain John Brown Coyle , Beatrice Coyle Levy

Velma Coyle 75th Birthday

Date: August 18, 1964

Walla Walla Union Bulletin

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

Referenced: Gregory Alan Miller , Carolyn Reynolds , Allen Lynn Reynolds , Evelyn June Hancock , Velma Clara Coyle , Walter Forrest Coyle , Victor Hartwell Coyle , Arthur Wesley Hancock, Jr. , Mary , Elizabeth Hancock , Greg Hamer , Jeff Hamer , Kristen Hamer , Clarence Willard Hancock , Patte Hancock , Ed Sullivan , Mary Sullivan , Ken Belieu , Amy Belieu , Molly Belieu , Bonnie Hancock , Wayne Hartwell Hancock , Kay , Polly Hancock , Joan Hancock , Wayne Hancock , Beverly Reynolds , John Aborn , Lynn Aborn , Jennifer Aborn , Curtis Aborn , Leslie Shannon Miller , Kerrie Eileen Miller , Sally Angela Miller

Ada Truesdell Obituary

Date: November 12, 1978

Minneapolis Journal

Place: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Ada Fannie Truesdell , Lynn George Truesdell

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