Hancock and Coyle photos scanned in for 2005 Hancock reunion

Hancock and Coyle family photos, mostly from Walla Walla, Washington, circa 1880s-1940s

"John Hartwell Coyle and Emma Buehler (wedding picture?)"

Date: August 23, 1887?

Place: Des Moines, Jackson, Minnesota?

Referenced: Emma Buehler , John Hartwell Coyle

George O. Hancock family portrait. Left to right: George O. "Doc" Hancock, Charlie, Ethel, Nancy Evelyn, George, Arthur, Tom

Date: 1890?

Place: Ardmore, Pickens County, Chickasaw Nation (Oklahoma), USA?

Referenced: Arthur Wesley Hancock , George Oliver 'Doc' Hancock , Nancy Evaline Hammons , Thomas Jackson Hancock , Charles William Hancock , George Milton Hancock , Ethel Cassey Hancock

Emerita Indermauer and Velma Coyle

Date: 1891?

Place: Des Moines, Jackson, Freeborn County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Velma Clara Coyle, Emerita Indermaur

Velma, John D. and Walter Coyle

Date: 1892?

Place: Jackson, Jackson County, Minnesota, USA

Referenced: Velma Clara Coyle, John David Coyle, Walter Forrest Coyle

Velma Coyle in advertisement photo for father's flour mill

Date: 1906?

Referenced: Velma Clara Coyle

Velma Coyle

Date: 1910?

Referenced: Velma Clara Coyle

Seated at left: John Hartwell Coyle. Back row: Vida Anna, John David, Walter Forrest, Velma Clara. Front row: Erma Myrtle, Clarence Gaudenza, Victor Hartwell, Emma Alice. Seated at right: Emma Buehler Coyle.

Date: 1910?

Referenced: Emma Buehler , John Hartwell Coyle , John David Coyle , Walter Forrest Coyle , Vida Anna Coyle , Clarence Gaudenza Coyle , Victor Hartwell Coyle , Emma Alice Coyle , Erma Myrtle Coyle

Arthur Hancock

Date: 1910?

Referenced: Arthur Wesley Hancock

Emma Buehler Coyle with Evelyn Hancock

Date: 1911?

Referenced: Evelyn June Hancock, Emma Buehler

Wesley, Willard & Evelyn Hancock

Date: 1918?

Referenced: Evelyn June Hancock, Arthur Wesley Hancock, Jr., Clarence Willard Hancock

Wesley, Willard & Evelyn Hancock

Date: 1920?

Referenced: Evelyn June Hancock, Arthur Wesley Hancock, Jr., Clarence Willard Hancock

"The 'Coyle' Mill"

Date: 1920s?

Place: Walla Walla, Washington

Referenced: John Hartwell Coyle

Evelyn Hancock, high school graduation picture?

Date: 1929?

Referenced: Evelyn June Hancock

Wayne Hancock

Date: 1931?

Referenced: Wayne Hartwell Hancock

Allen and Evelyn Reynolds

Date: 1932?

Referenced: Allen Lynn Reynolds, Evelyn June Hancock

Allen and Evelyn Reynolds with daughters Beverly and Carolyn

Date: 1936 or 1937

Referenced: Carolyn Reynolds , Allen Lynn Reynolds , Evelyn June Hancock , Beverly Reynolds

"Coyle family gathering at Walter and Anna Coyle's cabin. Standing: Arthur Hancock, 3rd from left; Velma next to him; Willard Hancock 7th from left; Allen and Evelyn Reynolds nearby, Emma Buehler Coyle, next to last; Beverly Reynolds is the little towhead standing in the front row, toward right."

Date: 1936?

Referenced: Allen Lynn Reynolds , Evelyn June Hancock , Velma Clara Coyle , Emma Buehler , Arthur Wesley Hancock , Clarence Willard Hancock , Beverly Reynolds

Allen and Evelyn Reynolds in Molson, Washington

Date: 1937?

Referenced: Allen Lynn Reynolds, Evelyn June Hancock

Four generations: Emma Buehler, Velma Coyle, Evelyn Hanock, Beverly and Carolyn Reynolds

Date: 1938?

Referenced: Carolyn Reynolds , Evelyn June Hancock , Velma Clara Coyle , Emma Buehler , Beverly Reynolds

Arthur and Velma Hancock with grand-daughter Beverly and Carolyn Reynolds

Date: 1939?

Place: Salem, Marion County, Oregon, USA

Referenced: Carolyn Reynolds , Velma Clara Coyle , Arthur Wesley Hancock , Beverly Reynolds

Wayne Hancock, Jr. and Carolyn Reynolds

Date: 1939?

Referenced: Carolyn Reynolds, Wayne Hartwell Hancock

Carolyn Reynolds and Elizabeth Hancock?

Date: 1942?

Referenced: Carolyn Reynolds

Willard and Helen Hancock

Date: 1942?

Referenced: Clarence Willard Hancock

"Wayne Hancock"

Date: 1942?

Referenced: Wayne Hartwell Hancock

"Wesley Hancock"

Date: 1940s

Referenced: Arthur Wesley Hancock, Jr.

"Willard Hancock"

Date: 1940s

Referenced: Clarence Willard Hancock

Carolyn Reynolds, Wayne Hancock, Beverly Reynolds

Date: 1946?

Referenced: Carolyn Reynolds , Wayne Hartwell Hancock , Beverly Reynolds

Arthur and Velma Hancock

Date: September 1956

Place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA

Referenced: Velma Clara Coyle, Arthur Wesley Hancock

Allen and Evelyn Reynolds

Date: 1980?

Referenced: Allen Lynn Reynolds, Evelyn June Hancock

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