Carrie Peck's Photo Album?
Photos of Carrie Peck family, including Pecks, Truesdells, and perhaps Rowes, from New York and Minnesota, circa 1850s-1910s
Caroline Laura Peck
Date: 1857?
Place: Unadilla, New York, USA
Photographer: A. Wheeler, Depot Street, Unadilla, New York
Referenced: Caroline Laura Peck
Unknown woman. Peck or Rowe related?
Date: 1860s?
Unknown woman. Peck or Rowe related?
Date: 1860-1870
Place: Norwich, New York
Photographer: Chamberlin, Norwich, New York
Unknown woman. Peck related?
Date: 1860s
Frederick Peck? (Note same photographer as scan157 photo of Carrie).
Date: 1864?
Photographer: A Wheeler, Depot Street, Unadilla, New York
Referenced: Frederick R. Peck
Unknown young girl. Looks similar to scan160 girl, but may not be Emily Truesdell since P. V. Chamberlin left Norwich by 1870.
Date: 1859-1870
Place: Norwich, Chenango County, New York, USA
Photographer: Chamberlin, Norwich, New York
Jay Emmett Truesdell. Same sitting as scan0149?
Date: 1870s
Place: Owatonna, Minnesota?
Referenced: Jay Emmett Truesdell
Unknown woman, same as scan 0154. Emily Peck?
Date: 1871?
Referenced: Emily C. Peck
Unknown girl, possibly Emily Laura Truesdell
Date: 1871
Unknown man.
Date: 1876?
Unknown woman. (Might be Katherine Tryon Truesdell, wife of Jay's uncle Harvey, who lived in La Porte from 1850s to death in 1899)
Date: 1880s
Place: La Porte, Indiana
Photographer: William M. Scott, La Porte, Indiana
Referenced: Katherine Tryon
Unknown man, A. C. Hickman?
Date: Around 1890?
Place: Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota, USA
Photographer: Will Thomas, Owatonna, Minnesota
Referenced: Adam Clark Hickman
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